Word classes

Части речи

English has four major word classes: nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. They have many thousands of members, and new nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are often created. Nouns are the most common type of word, followed by verbs. Adjectives are less common and adverbs are even less common. A suffix can often, but not always, tell us if a word is a noun, verb, adjective or adverb. The other word classes include prepositions, pronouns, determiners, conjunctions and interjections. (from English Grammar Today)


Имена существительные

Nouns are one of the four major word classes, along with verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Имена существительные - это одина из четырёх основных частей речи, куда входят также глаголы, прилагательные и наречия.

Nouns are the largest word class. Имена существительные - это наиболее многочисленная часть речи.

There are several different types of noun. Существуют различные типы имён существительных.



A verb describes what a person or thing does or what happens. (Oxford Dictionaries)

The basic form of a verb is known as the infinitive. Простейшая форма глагола - это инфинитив.



An adjective is a word that describes a noun, giving extra information about it. (Oxford Dictionaries)

Most adjectives can be used in two positions: attributive adjectives occur before the noun they describe, while predicative adjectives are used after certain verbs. В большинстве случаев прилагательные располагаются в одной из двух позиций в предложении: или перед именем существительным которое они описывают, либо после специального глагола-связки.



We use adverbs to add more information about a verb, an adjective. Мы используем наречия для большей информации об глаголах и прилагательных. Adverbs have many different functions. Наречия имеют много различных функций.



Prepositions describe the relationship between words from the major word classes (между словами относящимися к разным частям речи). They include words such as at, in, on, across, behind.



Pronouns include words such as you, it, we, mine, ours, theirs, someone, anyone, one, this, those.

We use pronouns in place of nouns. Мы используем местоимения на месте имён существительных.


Determiners come before nouns (бывают перед именами существительными). They show what type of reference the noun is making. They include words such as a/an, the, my, his, some, this, both.


Conjunctions show a link between one word, phrase or clause and another word, phrase or clause. They include and, but, when, if, because.


Interjections are mostly exclamation words (e.g. gosh! wow! oh!), which show people’s reactions to events and situations.

Четверг, 18 декабря 2014 года

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